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GitHub Project Boards

Github's project boards feature enables easy tracking of work progress in a repository. Moving forward, each group is required to set up a project board in their group repository.


On the main page of your group repository, go to the Projects tab. You will get an option of creating a new project in the repository. Give it the name 'Project Backlog'. Make sure to select the 'No Template' option since this will give you greater control over your board.


Your project board should have 3 cards for the present iteration - To Do, In Progress, Done. For example, Iteration 2 To Do, Iteration 2 In Progress and Iteration 2 Done, and so on. You can create columns with these specific names.


Each user story to be covered acts as a card in a column on the board. Then, each user story needs to be broken down into subtasks that you will complete. Each subtask can automatically be linked to an issue in your repository in two ways - converting notes to issues and adding issues and PRs to project boards.

For the iteration you are working on, make sure to add detailed subtasks so advisors can clearly see the amount of work you're planning to do.

For future iterations (if you are working on Iteration 3, Iteration 4 and 5 are in the future), make sure to have a To Do column. This can be filled with high-level tasks (user stories) you want to work on, for that iteration. This helps you plan out your project over time.

Github's documentation can be found here.


The state of your project-board will be a factor in your grades starting Iteration 3.