Lecture 1 (1/28)¶
- Please read the following readings after the lecture
Start thinking about your course project and forming groups!
Lecture 2 (1/30)¶
- Please read the following readings before the lecture
The lecture will be in Shaffer 3.
- Please read the following readings after the lecture
Roll the ball on forming groups and selecting a topic for your project. You may find the Sample Projects useful. There is also a utility on Piazza to facilitate searching for teams/teammates.
Lecture 3 (2/4)¶
- Please read the following readings before the lecture
Homework 1 will be released after lecture.
- Please read the following readings after the lecture
Lecture 4 (2/6)¶
This lecture is, in fact, a "project meeting" to help you with group formation and project topic selection.
The lecture will be in Krieger 205.
We'll have students who have a group, sit with their group in the back seats. Students who don't have a group, sit in front rows. The instructors will help individuals form groups; the advisors (Course Assistants) will guide the groups to pin down their topic. Please come prepared for the meeting: if you have a topic in mind, write the Requirement Specification Document for it; print the document and bring it.
Lecture 5 (2/11)¶
- Please read the following readings before the lecture
- Please read the following readings after the lecture
Homework 2 will be released tomorrow.
Lecture 6 (2/18)¶
Download and install Postman before arriving to lecture.
- Please read the following readings after the lecture
Here is the code we wrote in class.
Homework 3 will be released tomorrow.
Lecture 7 (2/25)¶
- Please read the following readings after the lecture
Here is the code we wrote in class.
Homework 4 will be released tomorrow.
Lecture 8 (3/3)¶
- Please read the following readings after the lecture
Here is the code we wrote in class.
Homework 5 is released.
Lecture 9 (3/10)¶
This lecture is, in fact, a "project meeting" to help you finish the second iteration before heading into the Spring break.
The lecture will be in Shaffer 3.
- Please read the following readings after the lecture
No Project Meeting on Thursday 3/12
All classes and office hours are cancelled for the remaining of this week (Wed, Mar 11 to Fri, Mar 13) following the provost instructions. We will post follow up announcements on Piazza.
Lecture 10 (3/22)¶
Please read the following readings after the lecture
The recorded Zoom meeting is available here
Please carefully read the notes for Iteration 3.
Lecture 11 (3/31)¶
Please read the following readings after the lecture
The recorded Zoom meeting is available here
Lecture 12 (4/7)¶
Please read the following readings after the lecture
The recorded Zoom meeting is available here