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You will be adding persistence to a simple java application!

Day Date Time
Release Tue Feb 11, 2020 11:00 PM
Due Tue Feb 18, 2020 11:00 AM


Pull the latest changes to the jhu-oose/2020-spring-students repository. In case you cannot access this repository, please check your email for an invite to the jhu-oose/2020-spring-students GitHub team that you should have received when you completed student onboarding.

You will see a hw2-starter folder. Copy this to your personal student repository folder on your computer. Now, open this folder as a Gradle project in IntelliJ.

The provided Java application is built on our classwork (first iteration of CourseReVU app). There are several TODO placed in the code that indicates what your need to do.1

It is strongly advisable that your read the readings for lecture 5 before starting this homework.

The provided starter code is (deliberately) slightly different from what we had done in class. The general idea is to implement the following model:

The project is aimed to create a simple CRUD operation while adding persistence using a relational database (SQLite).

The only aspect of the homework which is not covered in the readings is on creating the relationship between Courses and Reviews tables. For this, you need to look up how to create foreign key and enforce it as a constraint.

Foreign Key

A foreign key is a column or group of columns in a relational database table that provides a link between the data in two tables.


Once you have completed the specification of your software, commit the changes and push to the repository that was created for you. Add the required commit identifier to the file present in your repository and push it. You will want to use this final commit identifier to submit your homework. Then head over to Homework Submission to submit your work. You must do this for every homework.

  1. IntelliJ can list all TODOs for you! Google it to figure out how!